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The Shame Exchange
Mark 14:51-72
Mike Newman
Mike Newman
September 11, 2016
Soli Deo Gloria
Romans 11:33-36
Our understanding of God's providence produces worship and enjoyment in all that we do.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
September 4, 2016
Blueprints for a Biblical Marriage
Genesis 2:18-25
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 28, 2016
Reason for the Season
Esther 9:1-10:3
Believers celebrate because God has rescued them from judgement, turning their sorrow into gladness.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 21, 2016
Walking Through Providential Doors
Esther 8:1-17
Believers respond to the Biblical understanding of Providence by walking through the doors God opens.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 14, 2016
Revelation and Reversal
Esther 7:1-10
Irony is often the earthly description of the providential destruction of those kingdoms who stand against His.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 7, 2016
Providence vs. Arrogance (Part 2)
Esther 6:1-14
Providence builds His kingdom through the risks of His children and destroys all other kingdoms build on arrogance.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 31, 2016
Providence vs. Arrogance (Part 1)
Esther 5:1-14
Providence builds His kingdom through the risks of His children and destroys all other kingdoms built on arrogance.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 24, 2016
How to Respond When Tragedy Strikes
Esther 4:1-17
A believer's response to tragedy recognizes our dependence upon our sovereign God and moves forward in obedience, trusting Him for the results.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 17, 2016
Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
Mark 9:2-13
The path of glory must come through the cross.
Mike Newman
Mike Newman
July 10, 2016
The Resurrection Changes Everything
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Chris Mordecai
Chris Mordecai
July 3, 2016
Not Bowing Down
Esther 3:1-15
Believers stand with God and His people and trust Him for the results come what may.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
June 26, 2016
Favor to the Unfavorable
Esther 2:1-23
God providentially bestows favor on His children, in spite of their bad decisions, for His purpose and their preservation.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
June 19, 2016
The Finger of God
Esther 1:1-22
The Providence of God is already at work to rescue His people from evil.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
June 12, 2016
Accept or Reject
Mark 4:1-20
Those who hear and respond to Christ will receive forgiveness and be marked with fruitfulness.
Mike Newman
Mike Newman
June 5, 2016
Forsaken for a Purpose
Mark 15:21-39
God's redemptive plan from eternity past was fulfilled on the cross.
Chris Mordecai
Chris Mordecai
May 29, 2016
Advice From A P.O.W.
2 Timothy 4:1-8
The importance of preaching and perseverance in the life of a church....
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 22, 2016
Christ’s Construction Project Review
Acts 1-28
Jesus will build His church with His witnesses, equipped with His Word, empowered by His Spirit.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 15, 2016
Secrets to a Successful Ministry
Acts 28:1-31
Biblical measures of success in ministry lie in delighting in God's providential path, serving wherever you are and trusting Him with the results.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 8, 2016
Responding Rightly To Not-So-Smooth Sailing
Acts 27:1-44
God can be trusted as He uses adversity to create opportunity for gospel growth and advancement.
Mike Newman
Mike Newman
May 1, 2016
In Defense of the Hope
Acts 26:1-32
Believers should always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 24, 2016
Self Preservation Or Gospel Preservation
Acts 25:1-12
When attacked, believers should make decisions based upon gospel-preservation rather than self-preservation.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 10, 2016
Falsely Accused!
Acts 23:25-24:27
When Christians are falsely accused, they are to speak the truth knowing God is in control of their lives and reputation.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 3, 2016
I’m On Trial For The Resurrection Of The Dead
Acts 22:30-23:34
Believers are witnesses who boldy live for Christ and proclaim His resurrection knowing they are protected until their testimony is complete.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 27, 2016
Call to Discipleship
Mark 8:27-38
In order to proclaim Him, one must confess Him clearly and count the cost.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 20, 2016
You Will Be My Witnesses
Acts 22:1-29
A Christian's testimony is the miracle of the gospel wrapped in human flesh.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 13, 2016
Acts 21:17-40
Part of suffering for Christ's name means that believers pursue the lost and spiritually weak by removing personal hurdles to the gospel even when reviled for their efforts.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 6, 2016
Acts 21:1-16
Believers are to be ready and willing to suffer for His Name in spite of popular counsel.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 28, 2016
By What Authority?
Mark 2:1-12
Jesus is the only one with the authority and ability to forgive sins.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 21, 2016
Changing of the Guard
Acts 20:17-38
The job of an elder is to shepherd, stand in the midst of suffering, guard the flock, and replicate himself.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 14, 2016
Love for the Church
Acts 20:1-17
Christ commissions His followers to build His church by discipling a few, dedicating ourselves to His people and devoting ourselves to His service.
Mike Newman
Mike Newman
February 7, 2016
Stirred and Shaken
Acts 19:21-41
Lives marked by gospel change will upset the world in which you live.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 31, 2016
Victory in Jesus
Acts 19:8-20
Christ sovereignly allows evil against His church so that He may victoriously build her by His Word.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 24, 2016
Roles and Responsibilities in Promoting the Body’s Spiritual Fitness
Acts 18:18-19:7
The church is called to recognize the gifted, refine their doctrine, and release them to build up the body.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 17, 2016
Finding Encouragement Amid Discouraging Work
Acts 18:1-17
God grants sovereign encouragement amid the regular opposition to growing healthy churches.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 10, 2016
Joy in Gospel Partnership
Philippians 1:3-10
Joy is found in partnering with others for spiritual growth and expansion of the gospel.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 3, 2016
Joy in the Journey
Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26
Life can only be enjoyed and have purpose if our highest joy and purpose is found in God.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 27, 2015
Joy to the World
Luke 2:8-20
Practical steps to rejoice in Jesus.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 20, 2015
Joy in the Midst of Trials
1 Peter 1:3-9
We are called to rejoice in our living hope regardless of circumstances.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 13, 2015
Joy In Our Portion
Psalm 16:1-11
Believers experience joy by seeking shelter in God and being satisfied in Him alone, trusting that He is our deliverer in this life and the next.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 6, 2015