Infants/Toddlers: We have a nursery available for newborn through potty-trained.
Children’s Ministry: Metro Kids ministry uses gospel saturated lessons to teach our children up to 5th grade, and support and encourage parents.
Jr./Sr. High Student Ministries: Under the authority of the church and the parents, we seek to intentionally train our students to be wholly devoted followers of Christ.
Infants/Toddlers: We have a nursery available for newborn through potty-trained.
Although you’ll be greeted with a warm welcome and a cup of coffee, our focus is on worship. Our music seeks to glorify God rather than cater to a certain genre. If the words are God-exalting, we use the song whether it is a hymn or contemporary in nature. The sermons are expositional which means the pastor takes the main idea of the text and makes it the main idea of the sermon. We preach verse by verse through various books of the Bible.
Learn more about what we believe.