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Nehemiah Overview
Nehemiah (Overview)
Our response to God's faithfulness to us is shown in how we build ministry together for His glory.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 5, 2020
Fueling The Ministry
Nehemiah 1:5-11
Ministry is to be fueled by prayer that aligns our will with God's.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 12, 2020
Pray and Plan for God's Glory
Nehemiah 1:11b-2:8
Prayer is the power by which our Scripture-based plans progress.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 19, 2020
Count The Cost
Nehemiah 2:9-20
Believers will count the cost and endure opposition for the sake of his Name.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
January 26, 2020
Our God Holy and Sovereign
Revelation 4:1-11
Greg Travis
February 2, 2020
The River
Philippians 3:1-11
José Abella
February 9, 2020
Everyone Building to the Glory of God
Nehemiah 3:1-32
Builders build God's Kingdom in community because the church reflects the character of God.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 16, 2020
Glorifying God Amid Opposition
Nehemiah 4:1-23
The church should expect and address opposition through prayer and perseverance, knowing it is God who fights our battles.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 23, 2020
Glorifying God Amid Internal Opposition
Nehemiah 5:1-19
Believers actively pursue unity amid internal opposition because they fear God rather than men.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 1, 2020
Glorifying God in Our Response to Opposition
Nehemiah 6:1-19
Believers respond to opposition with discernment knowing the purpose of our enemy and the power of God.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 8, 2020
Building Community Amid Difficulty
Nehemiah 7:1-73
Christians should respond to the realization of our identity, legacy, and responsibility by committing ourselves to His work and His people.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 15, 2020
Bring The Book
Nehemiah 8:1-18
The Word takes priority in the life of believers.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 22, 2020
Building Ministry Through Confession
Nehemiah 9:1-37
A body of believers responds to the Word in prayer and confession.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 29, 2020
Road to the Cross
Mark Chapters 11-15
The King's authority is established as a suffering servant.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 5, 2020
Knowing, and Growing in our Knowing
Philippians 3:7-11
Knowing Christ starts with counting all as loss in comparison, continues with growing in our knowing, and arrives at ultimately knowing Him face to face.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 12, 2020
Glorifying God Through Covenant
Nehemiah 9:38–10:39
Understanding our tendency to wander from God, believers covenant together and commit themselves to obey His Word and support His work.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 19, 2020
Glorifying God Through Song
Nehemiah 12:27-47
Believing congregations joyfully sing truth about God as their spiritual service of worship.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 3, 2020
Glorifying God Through Purity
Nehemiah 13:1-31
Without the active pursuit of holiness, the people of God will fall into sin and the work of God will be forsaken.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 10, 2020
Innocent Blood
MT 27:1-10
God is sovereign over evil and often uses it to advance His kingdom.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 17, 2020
Choosing Barabbas
MT 27:11-26
Jesus understands our pain having suffered the greatest evil at the hands of His own people and calls us to trust in the Father's sovereign goodness.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 24, 2020
Ultimate Rejection
MT 27:27-54
God uses sovereign rejection to produce sovereign reconciliation.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
May 31, 2020
Were you there?
MT 27:55-61
Faithfulness is finding your identity in Christ, not fearing man.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
June 7, 2020
Marching Orders
Matt 28:16-20
Christ commands and comforts His followers to make followers of Christ through imparting the Word and imparting their lives.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
June 28, 2020
Reignite the Fire
2 Timothy 1:1-7
Pastors need to recognize authority, remember their legacy and reignite the fire of gospel ministry.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 5, 2020
Not Ashamed
2 Timothy 1:8-18
Church leaders are to reject being ashamed of the gospel or her faithful servants, and instead suffer well in God’s sustaining grace.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 12, 2020
The Courier
2 Timothy 2:1-7
Pastoral faithfulness shows itself through making disciple-making disciples and unwavering dedication amid suffering.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 19, 2020
For King and Country
2 Timothy 2:8-18
Shepherds can endure suffering for the sake of Christ’s glory and salvation of the elect, knowing one day we will be with Him and be like Him.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
July 26, 2020
Word Wrangler or Word Handler?
2 Timothy 2:14-19
Faithful pastors are accurate Word handlers, not word wranglers, and their lives reflect it.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 2, 2020
Preach the Word
2 Timothy 4:1-8
Pastors are to preach the Word and fulfill their ministry regardless of the times, knowing they will answer to their righteous Judge.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
August 30, 2020
Come Soon!
2 Timothy 4:9-22
Ministry is lonely and a battle, but you can be a friend with the word to others remembering you are not laboring alone.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
September 6, 2020
The Greatest Sermon Never Recorded
Luke 24:13-35
The Old Testament bears witness of the necessity for the Christ to suffer, die and enter into His glory.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
September 13, 2020
Overview of Hebrews
Hebrews 1:1-3
Staying the course by understanding the superiority of Christ.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
September 20, 2020
The Royal Son
Hebrews 1:1-3
When believers understand who it is that God has spoken through, they worship Him alone and their faith is strengthened.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
September 27, 2020
The Son Above The Servants
Hebrews 1:4-14
Understanding Jesus is the Royal Son and Ruling Creator will keep us from robbing Him of glory.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
October 4, 2020
Drift Warning
Hebrews 2:1-4
Realize the consequences so you do not drift from the Son’s Word.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
October 11, 2020
The Forsaken Son of God: The Crucifixion of Christ
Mark 15:21-39
The forsaken Son of God bore the wrath of God to redeem a people to worship God.
Chris Mordecai
October 18, 2020
The Woke Need To Wake Up
Romans 13:1-7
Christians should vote as citizens of heaven whose primary goal is to ensure religious liberty and laws that mirror Scripture.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
October 25, 2020
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Hebrews 2:5-9
When believers have trouble seeing Jesus’ reign, we can always see Him in Scripture.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
November 1, 2020
Solidarity with the Sons (Part I)
Hebrews 2:10-18
The Eternal Son became like us, suffered to save us and identifies with us.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
November 8, 2020
Solidarity with the Sons (Part 2)
Hebrews 2:10-18
The Eternal Son became like us, suffered to save us and identifies with us.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
November 15, 2020
Consider Jesus, the Greater Moses
Hebrews 3:1-6
The suffering church needs to see that nothing compares to Jesus our faithful high priest so they will trust in Him and boast in their hope.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
November 22, 2020
Today in Kadesh
Hebrews 3:7-19
True believers persevere, understanding hearts that do not continue to believe the Word will not enter God’s rest and His wrath abides on them.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
November 29, 2020
A Theology of Rest
Hebrews 4:1-14
The church needs to have a healthy fear of the consequences of disobedience, so that they will hold fast to the Word of God.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 6, 2020
The Great High Priest
Hebrews 4:14-16
The church endures suffering by holding fast to our confession and comprehension of Christ, and drawing near to the throne of grace.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 13, 2020
The Bread of Life
John 6:1-15, 22-69
The Bread of Life is delightfully eaten by some and spit out by others.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 20, 2020
Spiritual Sight
John 9:1-41
Those who have been given spiritual sight boldly stand with Jesus and bow to worship Him.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
December 27, 2020