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The Forsaken Son of God: The Crucifixion of Christ
Mark 15:21-39
The forsaken Son of God bore the wrath of God to redeem a people to worship God.
Chris Mordecai
October 18, 2020
Road to the Cross
Mark Chapters 11-15
The King's authority is established as a suffering servant.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
April 5, 2020
Consider the Majesty of Jesus
Mark 4:35-41
José Abella
February 24, 2019
The Shame Exchange
Mark 14:51-72
Mike Newman
September 11, 2016
Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
Mark 9:2-13
The path of glory must come through the cross.
Mike Newman
July 10, 2016
Accept or Reject
Mark 4:1-20
Those who hear and respond to Christ will receive forgiveness and be marked with fruitfulness.
Mike Newman
June 5, 2016
Forsaken for a Purpose
Mark 15:21-39
God's redemptive plan from eternity past was fulfilled on the cross.
Chris Mordecai
May 29, 2016
Call to Discipleship
Mark 8:27-38
In order to proclaim Him, one must confess Him clearly and count the cost.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 20, 2016
By What Authority?
Mark 2:1-12
Jesus is the only one with the authority and ability to forgive sins.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
February 21, 2016
Passion Week
Mark Chapters 11-15
The King’s authority is established in a suffering servant.
Rodney C. Brown Jr.
March 29, 2015